History in the Making

Location & Hours

Stanly County Museum (now located in the Stanly County History Center)
157 North 2nd Street, Albemarle, NC 28001
Telephone: 704-986-3777
Facsimile: 704-986-3778
email: [email protected]

Stanly County Museums Brochure (pdf)

Historical Walking Tour of Downtown Albemarle (pdf)

Stanly County Historical Society
157 North 2nd Street, Albemarle, NC 28001
Telephone: 704-986-3777
email: [email protected]

Daniel Freeman House and I.W. Snuggs House
112 North Third Street, Albemarle, NC 28001
(directly behind the museum)

9am-5pm   Monday – Friday,     9am-1pm, the last Saturday of every Month

The Museum is closed on or around all major holidays.

The Museum Gallery is self-guided. Guided tours of the Daniel Freeman House and I.W. Snuggs House are usually available daily upon request. Please call ahead to schedule a tour.

There is no admission fee. The Stanly County Museum is a public and educational service provided by Stanly County Government.